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The wooden cabinet

These images show the process of making the wooden cabinet for the piece "Getting Out". I made the whole cabinet myself from second-hand wood and since I did not have much experience in working with wood, it took me about a month to build it.

This is the model I made with cardboard from the cabinet in the process of designing it. In the beginning I wanted to make the legs in a way that they could be detached from the cabinet and placed on the side of it. But during the process of building I found out the cabinet is too heavy for that design and build permanent legs for it instead.


The main frame and frames for the drawers were the first parts that I built

Building the rails and fitting the drawers

Covering the sides of the drawers so they slide nicely and attaching a piece of wood to stop them from going too far inside the cabinet

Covering the surface of the cabinet with pieces of wood that I had cut from wood pallets that I found in the college

Building the small table on the side of the cabinet

Finished cabinet before varnish
Legs of this cabinet are the only parts of it that I bought wood for.
The rest of it was made from four different wood pallets therefore the coulour of each side was different. I decided to varnish it so these woods would have more similar shades.

The process of building the door

Handle made for the small table

The coulour after varnish

Door is attached with a hinge

Separators of the drawers and how the ceramic pieces look like inside them


In the moving process from Wilson Road studios to Camberwell some of the pieces that I had not fired yet broke. The ceramic workshop technician at Camberwell taught me a method to reattach those parts or cover the cracks. In this method I used vinegar for making clay from bone dry terracotta and I would use it as a glue for attaching the parts or filling the cracks. Although this method worked for attaching the handles of the piece 'Getting Out', it didn't cover the cracks in the first piece I made for Negar.


An unsuccessful attempt for fixing the cracks that appeared in the first piece I made for Negar. These cracks showed up while the piece was drying because it was imposed to sunlight

I managed to successfully reattach the handles of these two pieces before firing. These images were taken after them being fired.

The bowls for the piece 'Getting Out' before and after being glazed. I studied my glazes and underglazes on these bowls to see how the outcome is affected by the number of the coats I apply on the piece.

The piece 'Negar' in biscuit stage and during the process of applying glaze.


Experimenting with forms in a piece for mournful songs. The plate that was supposed to fit in the piece didn't fit after drying. I used sand paper after biscuit fire stage to make it work but it was not successful.


Experimenting with glazing and earthenware firing

A time-lapse showing a part of the making process of my most recent piece that is still unfinished

This is the biggest ceramic piece I have made and with the skills that I have learnt in the past few months I managed to keep it from cracking during the drying and biscuit fire processes. 


Testing the glazes on sample pieces

Doing research on the ways that each container reacts to being activated.


Sketch for a self-portrait with the containers


Drawing process of the piece 'Self-portrait with yellow gloves'

Drawing process of the second version of the piece 'Self-portrait with yellow gloves'

40x50 cm

© 2022 by Taraneh Dana. 

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