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I am hopeful that through exploring my feelings and experiences as a marginalised individual in Iran, I will get past this matter as a personal experience and concentrate on the social aspects and influences of it. 

What Clarrie Wallis wrote about Mona Hatoum’s work (Hatoum et al., 2016) has been very inspiring for me:


“Hatoum’s work has been informed by her experience of exile, a condition of displacement shared by many in the modern era. The importance of Hatoum’s work lies in her ability to balance the specific and the general, to draw on particular cultural and political contexts and to show how these are imbricated within wider, universal concerns. Hot Spot 2006, for example is a steel cage-like globe. Using delicate red neon to outline the contours of the continents on its surface, the work buzzes with an intense, mesmerizing yet seemingly dangerous energy. The work suggests that it is not simply contested border zones that are political hot spots but an entire global situation – what Hatoum describes as a ‘world continually caught up in conflict and unrest’. Emerging from this approach is an exceptional body of work that places Hatoum at the forefront of contemporary art practice.”


Hot Spot III, Mona Hatoum, 2009


I believe that our lives impact our way of using our bodies. seeing the different usages of bodies in different models helps me to explore through different experiences of being a human.


Evans, G. (2021). Painting in the Expanded Field.

Ferguson, R., Félix Gonzalez-Torres, Tucker, M. and Al, E. (1990). Out There : marginalization and contemporary cultures. Cambridge, Mass. ; London: Mit Press ; New York, N.Y.

Freire, P. (2005). Pedagogy of the Oppressed. Translated by M. Bergman Ramos. London: The Continuum International Publishing Group Ltd

Hatoum, M., Christine Van Assche, Wallis, C., Centre Georges Pompidou, Tate Modern (Gallery and Finland, H. (2016). Mona Hatoum. London: Tate Publishing.

Niloufar Talebi. (n.d.). Ahmad Shamlou poems in English. [online] Available at: [Accessed 25 Jan. 2022].

FitzPatrick, E. (2021). How do you communicate visually?.‌

© 2022 by Taraneh Dana. 

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